Sunday 27 May 2012

The inspirational effect of wearing rubber gloves

As painful as it's been, writing my synopsis has been a valuable experience. It's really made me get to grips with my hero and heroine's conflicts.

Towards the end of the story, there's a scene that I felt wasn't moving the story forward, so I was going to delete it. However, I kept hesitating to do it, because I had a nagging feeling that it was necessary. I just couldn't put my finger on why. Doing my synopsis - in fact, I was doing the washing up after a spell of working on the synopsis - it hit me why the scene is important. It's the moment where the hero lets go of the toxic emotion that's kept him from the heroine; I just hadn't realised it myself. A bit of tweaking later, to make the moment more obvious, and now the resolution of the conflict is more convincing. All thanks to the synopsis.

I'll never moan about synopses again. Well, not until next time...

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