Thursday 31 May 2012

Deadline Update

Since I set a deadline of the end of May for submitting my ms to Mills and Boon, it's high time I updated.

I've finished my synopsis and cover letter, and formatted my ms to the layout given on the Harlequin website. I'm just waiting for my friend to finish reading it. I'm itching to just go ahead and send everything off, but I know if I do that my friend will come back to me saying I've committed some howler of a typo. I've worked so hard to get this far, I'm not going to mess it up by being impatient.

So I'll wait for my friend to finish, make any necessary corrections and send it off then.

I can't believe I'm nearly there! For so long, submitting my work has been a misty goal, way in the future. Soon it will be a reality. Then the nail-biting begins...

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