I haven't updated for a while, but actually I have been writing every day, and made good progress. So I'm feeling quite proud of myself. That means I can go away for the weekend without feeling guilty that I won't be able to do any more work until Monday.
Revising earlier chapters, I've found that I now have a much clearer idea of my characters than I did when I wrote those parts. In places I've had to completely rewrite sections because my hero and heroine were doing and saying things that now strike me as false. In my rewrites I'm now finding that the tension between them is building more naturally. Before, it all felt rather contrived. When I start my next story I'll spend much more time getting to know my characters from the outset. It's advice I've read many times on other blogs and how-to guides, but I'm one of those people who only seems to be able to learn by doing...
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