Sunday 17 June 2012

End in sight and a new deadline

I went over the first three chapters with my friend yesterday and it was really encouraging. She's picked out a few things that could be improved, but nothing major. Now I'm going to work through them and once that's done I can finally submit my partial.

One of her main criticisms was on my tendency to blunt the impact of a statement by using qualifiers. I know I do it. I'd already pruned out a load during editing, but there were still far too many left. They were so obvious once she'd pointed them out; I don't know how I'd failed to spot them before. All I can say is it's a good example of why it's vital to get someone to critique your work before sending it off.

So now it's time to set my revised deadline. Ideally I'd like to get it done by Friday, but I've got a busy week and I don't want to have to break another deadline. Therefore I'm going to set my deadline for the end of June. If I haven't submitted my partial by then, feel free to come after me with pitchforks.


  1. I will indeed send the pitchforks round, lol! You can do it! Excellent plan to set a realistic deadline so you won't beat yourself up. :0) x

    1. I've already started working on it! Those pitchforks are an excellent motivation :)

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