Those of you who are my Facebook friends will already know
this, but last week I had some bad news and some good news.
The bad news was that after a lot of work and three rounds
of revisions, I got the final verdict from Mills and Boon on The Welsh King’s
Spy—in the end although they liked my voice and thought I had potential, the
story wasn’t quite what they were looking for. The really bad news was that I’d just put on
mascara and my first lesson was due to start in ten minutes when I read the
email, so instead of crying and sulking, which always makes me feel better, I
had to smile and explain circular geometry. I wouldn’t recommend that as a
remedy for dashed hopes—I think my poor student is now terminally confused.
The good news was that the editor went on to say that
although TWKS wasn’t right, she’d like to continue working with me on my next
story. I’m really excited about that because she wouldn’t go to all that work
and trouble unless she thought my voice was a good fit for Harlequin
Historical. So now (after being wiped out for a few days by a cold caught from
my maths student) I’m working on some characters and plots for a few scenarios
set in the Twelfth Century. Hopefully I can come up with something that shows
promise. Wish me luck!