Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Lying to myself

Can lying to myself ever be a good thing? It might surprise you to learn that there are times when I think it can. Obviously, I’m not talking about the big things in life, like trying to be someone I’m not, or convincing myself that I can eat a huge bowl of Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked ice cream every day and not put on weight. Um…yes…the less said about the last one, the better.

No, what I’m talking about is self-motivation. For me, I use self-deception in two areas of my life when I need a kick up the backside.

The first is cycling. I love cycling, but I’m not very good at going up hills, and if I didn’t lie to myself I would never make it to the top. It goes something like this:

Me: Aargh! That’s a huge hill ahead. I’d better stop for a breather before tackling it.
Sneaky me: Tell you what, just climb as far as the first corner, then you can stop. You’ll get a good view from there.
At the first corner…
Me: Hurrah! I made it. Time for a rest.
Sneaky me:   You know, the view isn’t as good from here as I thought it would be. See that layby a bit higher up? You can make it that far before stopping and you’ll get a clearer view from there.

And it works. I usually make it all the way to the top before stopping, albeit with a face the colour of beetroot.

I couldn't have made it over the Brecons without some serious lying
It’s the same with writing. Not so much keeping going, but to get myself started every day. Here’s an example:

Me: I don’t feel like writing this evening. I’m going to read a book instead. That’s research, right?
Sneaky me: That’s a good idea, but wouldn’t you rather turn on your laptop and play Spider?
As soon as the computer’s booted up…
Sneaky me: At least open up your WIP so it’s ready if you decide to work on it later.
Me: Okay. Done that. Now for Spider.
Sneaky me: Hang on. Why not read the last scene through, just to keep it fresh in your mind? Then you can play Spider with a clear conscience.
Me: Okay, why not. [Reads] Ooh, I’ve just had a great idea what the hero would do now.
Sneaky me: Better write it now, before you forget.

And off I go. 

Anyone else think self-deception can be good? Or am I just deluding myself?