Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New Writers' Scheme

Happy New Year to one and all! I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year.

I had a lovely time up in Yorkshire with my Mum, brother, SIL and one-year-old niece, although I seriously hope my niece will have outgrown In the Night Garden by the time I see her next. I still can't get the Iggle Piggle song out of my head.

I don't normally go in for new year's resolutions, but I did make one this year. I was determined to get a place on the RNA New Writers' Scheme after missing out last year and the year before. Both times I was unable to get to a computer on the first couple of days of the new year and when I did I found the scheme was already full. So this year I was prepared. I wrote the application email out the day before, saved it as a draft and then set an alarm for five minutes before applications opened. Once the alarm had gone off, I sat with my mouse hovering over 'Send', counting down the seconds until I could click. If you think that makes me sound rather desperate, then you'd be right.

But all my preparations paid off - I got an email first thing this morning saying I'd been allocated a place. I'm thrilled! It's such a great opportunity. So I suppose my next resolution must be to make the most of it.

Well, I can't hang around, blogging all day. I've got a novel to hone :-)