Thursday, 15 November 2012

Progress report

It's the halfway point of November and I'm proud to report that my word count for the month so far is 25,306. Yay! I was only hoping to do 30,000, but now I'm wondering whether I shouldn't just go for broke and aim for the full NaNoWriMo target of 50,000. Something tells me I'm going to hate myself when I start editing though. I'm writing some appalling crap just in order to move past a sticky patch and keep my word rate up.

I saw on Twitter that Harlequin UK are asking NaNo writers to send them their books at the end. What? Let an editor read my raw 1st draft? I'd have to be very drunk before I sent in that for their consideration!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Update, a local legend and November targets

View from Gelert's grave
I went to Beddgelert last weekend for my writing group's annual retreat. I managed to add about 6,000 words to my work in progress as well as polishing a couple of short stories, so I consider it time well spent.

Beddgelert is in Snowdonia and the scenery is stunning. In my last post I wrote how I get inspiration from scenery, so it won't surprise anyone to learn that I managed to fit in walks each day. It's one of the most beautiful places in the world. I only wish I could have stayed longer.

Something I didn't mention in my 'inspiration' post was local legends. As a writer of historicals, I like to collect local legends. Then I dip into them to help me create depth to a setting. There's a wonderful story associated with Beddgelert and the clue is in the name: Beddgelert is Welsh for 'Gelert's grave'. (Note to self: Gelert is a great name. I must use it sometime.)
Here's a photo of the plaque at Gelert's grave that explains the story. Have tissues ready - it's sad.

And target for November. I was tempted to join in with NaNoWriMo, but due to family commitments at the end of the month, I thought 50,000 words was over-ambitious. But I like the idea of pushing myself, so I've set a 30,000 word target. That way, I'll have broken the back of my first draft and hopefully have it finished by the end of the year. I'm already 15,000 words in, so I'm well on the way :)